你同人係網上傾計嗰陣,係唔係仲用緊 “LOL” “OMG”? 網上潮語不斷改變,你一定要跟上潮流先會覺得自己冇落後。Wall Street English 整理咗 2023 年外國最流行嘅 Z 世代潮語,當你聽到外國朋友講潮語嗰陣,唔驚get唔到佢哋講咩啦 


1. Caught in 4K  

說到 4K超高清將是您首先想到的詞。 那麼,陷入超高清意味著什麼? 超高清指的是人們使用高清屏幕拍攝的社交媒體或照片和視頻。 “Caught in 4K” 是指在社交媒體上以具體證據被抓獲違法行為時的潮語表達 


  • A: Hey, did you hear that news? That guy robbed the bank without wearing a mask! 
  • A: 嘿,你聽到那個消息了嗎? 那傢伙不戴口罩就搶銀行了! 
  • B: OMG, he really got caught in 4K. 
  • B: OMG,他真的被抓獲違法行為了。 


2. Fleek  

When you see something mesmerizing and attractive, you may use “fleek” to describe it.  



  • A: Hey girl, your outfit is on fleek! 
  • A: 嘿女孩,你的衣服很漂亮很吸引人 
  • B: Oh really? Thanks! 
  • B: 哦真的嗎? 謝謝! 


3. Flex  

”Flex“ originally means bend a part of your body. But in the slang dictionary, it means to show off. It is commonly used by rappers in rap lyrics.    

Flex原意是彎曲身體的一部分。 但在潮語字典裡,就是炫耀的意思。 它通常被說唱歌手用在說唱歌詞中。 


  • A: Look at my new sneakers!  
  • A: 看看我的新運動鞋! 
  • B: Dude, stop flexing.  
  • B: 兄,別炫耀了。 


4. Lowkey  

It means to do something quietly and without notice.  



  • I am lowkey in love with Anson, but I don’t want anyone to know.  
  • 悄悄地愛上了Anson, 但我不想讓任何人知道。 


5. Understood the assignment 

When someone did an excellent job, you may use “understood the assignment” to give compliments.  



  • Look how the dog reacts! He really understood the assignment! 
  • 看看狗狗的反應! 他真的做得很好 


6. Rent free  

When you love or hate somebody to a level that it always stays in your head, you can use “live rent-free in one’s head” to describe your feeling.  

當你對某人的愛或恨達到一種總是停留在你腦海中的程度時,你可以用“live rent-free in one’s head”來形容你的感受。 


  • You have to stop thinking about your conversation with John. He’s living rent-free in your head.  
  • 你必須停止思考你與John的對話,他的恨總是停留在你腦海裡。 


7. FOMO  

 FOMO is the abbreviation of “fear of missing out”. It is an emotional response that you fear of missing out when you leave the social community. 

FOMO害怕錯過的縮寫。 當您離開社交社區時,您害怕錯過這種情緒反應。 


  • I have a cold, however my major FOMO made me come to this party. 
  • 雖然我患了感冒,但我的錯失恐懼症讓我來了這個派對。


8. Lit  

Lit means cool and exciting.  



  • The party was lit last night. 
  • 昨晚派對很酷和令人興奮的 


Learn the 8 slangs above and communicate with foreigners smoothly! 
