人生不如意事十常八九,但遇上挫折或低谷時難免失落⋯以下 5 句勵志名言可以鼓勵到你失落的朋友,從中更可啟發你的思考,甚至仲可以提升你的英語!

以下5句名言都有運用 Simile(明喻)和 Metaphor (暗喻)!
Simile 明喻,會以 like 或 as 等字眼直接比較主體同載體。
而 Metaphor 暗喻,唔會運用 like 或 as 嘅字眼,而係會將事件/對象 A 描述為事物 B。

1. Now I see that I will never find the light. Unless, like the candle, I am my own fuel, consuming myself. – Bruce Lee


Like a candle:李小龍首先以 Simile(明喻)將自己比作蠟燭 (candle);

I am my own fuel:再以 Metaphor(暗喻)話自己係自己嘅燃料 (fuel),引伸嘅意思即是自己係自己嘅動力、力量。


2. Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has courage to lose sights of the shore. – André Gide


呢一句字面上嘅意思係講航海時要離開海岸邊 (shore) 先至可以發現新海洋;而引伸嘅意思就係以Metaphor(暗喻)將舒適區 (comfort zone) 比作海岸邊 (shore),以新發現/成就比作新海洋。


3. No pressure, no diamonds. – Thomas Carlyle


呢句運用 Metaphor(暗喻),以鑽石 (diamond) 比作成果/得益。



4. Life’s like a movie, write your own ending. Keep believing, keep pretending. – Jim Henson


呢句簡明地以 Simile(明喻)將人生比作電影 (movie)。


5. A new year is like a blank book, and the pen is in your hands. It is your chance to write a beautiful story for yourself. – Anonymous

A new year is like a blank book:首先以 Simile(明喻)將新年‌‌ (new year) 比作空白嘅書 (blank book);

The pen is in your hands:再以 Metaphor(暗喻)將筆 (pen) 嘅意思引伸為話事權。
