Advice advise分不清?

Advice advise兩個字是大家最常混淆的字詞之一。雖然這兩個詞只有一字之差,但它們的詞性、意義和用法都有很大的分別。本文將會簡單講解兩者的差別,學會正確運用。


Advice 是一個名詞(noun),表示「建議、忠告」的意思。例如:

  • I need your advice on this matter.(我需要你在這件事上給我建議。)
  • He gave me some good advice about my career.(他給了我一些關於職業生涯的好建議。)

Advise 是一個動詞(verb),表示「建議、勸告」的行為。例如:

  • I advise you to study harder.(我建議你要更加用功學習。)
  • The doctor advised her to quit smoking.(醫生建議她戒菸。)


Advice 的常見搭配:

  • give / offer advice(給予建議)
  • take / follow advice(接受/遵從建議)
  • ask for / seek advice(尋求建議)
  • a piece of advice(一條建議)
‣ Can I give you a piece of advice?(我可以給你一個建議嗎?)
‣ You should take your parents’ advice seriously.(你應該認真對待父母的建議。)

Advise 的常見搭配:

  • advise somebody to do something(建議某人做某事)
  • advise somebody against doing something(建議某人不要做某事)
  • advise somebody on something(就某事向某人提供建議)
‣ I strongly advise you against quitting your job.(我強烈建議你不要辭職。)
‣ He advised me on how to invest my money.(他就如何投資向我提供建議。)


Advice 是不可數名詞(uncountable noun),沒有複數形式。如果要表示「一項建議」,可以使用 a piece of advice 這個短語。

  • 錯誤︰I have many advices for you.
  • 正確︰I have some advice for you. / I have a few pieces of advice for you.

Advise 作為動詞,可以用於多種時態和語態。

  • Present tense: I advise, he advises
  • Past tense: I advised, he advised
  • Present participle: advising
  • Past participle: advised
‣ She is advising her students on their career choices.(她正在為學生提供職業選擇方面的建議。)
‣ They were advised to arrive at the airport early.(他們被建議要早點到達機場。)


Advise 不能直接跟名詞,需要使用介詞 on。而 advice 可以直接作為名詞使用。

  • 錯誤︰He advised me my career.
  • 正確︰He advised me on my career. / He gave me advice on my career.

Advise 後面接不定式,通常使用 to。但在否定句中,advise 後面可以跟動名詞(-ing形式)。

  • I advise you to study harder.(我建議你要更加勤力學習。)
  • I advise against going out alone at night.(我建議你晚上不要一個人出門。)


I am writing to seek your advice on my research project. I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide me with some guidance on how to proceed with my experiments.

A: I’m thinking about changing my major. What do you think?
B: If you’re not happy with your current major, I advise you to explore other options. It’s important to study something you’re passionate about.
A: Thanks for the advice. I’ll consider it.

Based on the findings of this study, we advise the company to invest more resources in research and development. This will help the company stay competitive in the market and attract more customers in the long run.

以上就是advise及advice的簡介及正確用法。在學英文時,很多時候都有類似的相似字詞,例如 Solve 與 ResolveAnyway、Anyways同Any Way等等。Wall Street English採用全英語學習環境,從一踏入校舍範圍開始就以全英文對答交流,跟外籍導師多聽多講自然學得快