好多打工仔都覺得被 Appraisal 考起,唔知點答先啱~
其實只要掌握技巧,Appraisal又有咩好怕喎!參考以下答案範例,等你輕鬆應對 Appraisal!
1. 點寫自己有咩進步空間
Appraisal 當中最考你 IQ 嘅莫過於以下依一條:
What areas do you need to improve? 在哪些方面您需要改進?
- I may not good at managing my time, but I will learn and improve my time management skills.
時間管理方面我可能做得唔好,不過我會學習同改善我嘅時間管理技巧。 - I feel a little stressful in handling negative feedback from customers, but it’s good to hear feedback from them and learn from it.
當面對客人嘅負面評價時,我覺得有啲壓力,不過可以聽到佢地嘅意見係好,亦可以從中學習。 - Based on what you said, I know now I need to improve my communication skills in this area.
2. 點答黎緊有咩目標
第 2 條 Appraisal (工作表現評估) 嘅必答題,莫過於:
What are your goals? 你嘅目標係咩?
- I will complete all my work and try my best to achieve all targets.
我會完成所有的工作,並盡我所能達標。 - I hope I can take more responsibility and be more committed towards my work.
我希望我能承擔更多的工作責任,以及更致力工作。 - I will upgrade my management skills, communication skills, decision-making skills, etc.
3. 額外貼士
- 唔好寫得太誇張,例如可以用 “active learner”、”have a serious attitude”,而唔好用”outstanding”、”excellent” 等字眼。
- 提出想加人工或升職要有技巧:最緊要態度要誠懇 (sincere),同時婉轉啲咁表達,例如話自己想 “move forward” (前進)。