諺語(Proverbs)其實並不難學,不如你先嘗試理解以下特選的 proverbs,開始豐富你的英語對話!
1. “Speak of the devil and the devil comes”(一講曹操,曹操就到)
例:“Speak of the devil and the devil comes. Bill just arrived as we were talking about him.”
2. 要形容人「周身刀,無張利」?英文是 “Jack of all trades, master of none”
例:“There is no way you will be good at everything. So rather than being a Jack of all trades, focus on your one or two skills!”
3. 有道「好事不出門,醜事傳千里」,”Bad news travels fast!”
4. 無論是投資或是做人處事,孤注一擲都是很高風險的行為喔!“Never put all your eggs in one basket!”
5. 要知己知彼,才能百戰百勝 “You should always keep your friends close and your enemies closer!”
6. “Once bitten, twice shy”=「一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草繩」- 你會因為英文根基打得不好,而逃避再學英文嗎?
7. Leopard(豹)身上的斑點是不會變的,而 ”a leopard cannot change its spots ”就是形容人本性難移。
8. 正所謂「佛要金裝,人靠衣裝」- Fine feathers make fine birds – 求職面試時記緊要穿著得整齊喔!
9. 要成功打入市場,便要在熱潮退卻前進資!“If you want to enter the market successfully, you will need to strike while the iron is hot(打鐵趁熱)!”
10. “If a job is worth doing it is worth doing well.” 凡事也要全力以赴!