外國人經常會用到的英文片語 (phrasal verbs),你都能明白嗎?我們特選了一系列常見的 phrasal verbs,讓你即學即用!

1. “Kick” 是「踢(動作)」,“kick off” 卻指「開始」,it’s time to kick off with some English tips now!

2. 叫對方別掛掉電話,可說 “hang on”,但當要掛線時,就要 ”hang up” 了!

3. “I look up to my parents.” 是敬仰我的父母。
“I look up the word in the dictionary.” 是翻查字典。
“I look up.” 是往上望。

4. “Don’t chicken out!” 不是叫你「咪走雞」,而是叫你鼓起勇氣!

5. “Blow up” 可以形容人怒不可遏,快要爆發,就如 “blow up a bomb” (引爆炸彈)一樣。
例:“With all the yelling by the customer for no reason, he is going to blow up very soon.”

6. 大家也明白在酒店 “check-in / check-out” 的意思,那叫你看看某些東西呢?“Check this out!”

7. “Eat” 是「食」(動詞),但 ”eat away” 卻是「腐蝕」!“The acid rain has eaten away the sand stone surface.”

8. “Cut out” 除了有「剪出」(動詞)的意思外,也有停止的意思。
例:“For decorations you can cut out heart shapes with red paper.”
“Stop talking in the library, everybody is studying. Cut it out now!”

9. “Talk into” 是游說別人去做某件事情,而 “talk out of” 則是相反意思。

10. “You should fish for the news by yourself!” 是叫你去「靠不同方法找尋」資料,與 ”fish”(魚)並無關連。