在短短幾十分鐘的求職面試中推銷自己,只靠背稿、不停講「I’m a good worker」?唔得架!
以下是 10 個在求職面試中百搭好用的自誇用字,袋住先,總有幾個合用!

1. Ambitious 有大志
I am ambitious and keen to succeed.

2. Cheerful 樂觀、快樂
I always manage to stay cheerful.

3. Confident 自信
I’m confident of my skills as an experienced Sales Executive.

4. Conscientious 認真、一絲不苟
I’m a conscientious person. I take every duty seriously.

5. Determined 堅決
I’m determined to get my work done before the deadline.

6. Easy-going 隨和
I’m a friendly and easy-going type of person.

7. Flexible 靈活、懂變通
I’m flexible in changing my plans according to the situation.

8. Goal-oriented 目標導向
I would say I’m a goal-oriented person. I work hard to achieve the targets I set for myself.

9. Open-minded 思想開通
I’m open-minded about alternatives.

10. Methodical 有條理
I’m a methodical person. I always keep important things documented.

小貼示: 當你形容完自己之後,加一個例子就可以延長句子以及加深對方印象。

例子:I am an innovative Marketing Executive with 2 years of experience managing campaigns on different social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram and online forums.
我是一個創新的市場主任,擁有2年經驗管理不同的社交媒體,包括Facebook, Instagram和網上討論區。