夏天不時打風,如果秋風起了,就可以去賞楓,生活同風適適相關,不妨學下有關wind嘅idiom!挫人銳氣英文點講?whistle in the wind喺微風中吹口哨?逆流而上英文喺咩?put the wind up someone 又喺點解?一齊嚟睇睇啦!


a straw in the wind 一葉知秋


The fact that he is tired of his boss is a straw in the wind. I think he is going to resign sooner or later.



put the wind up someone 使某人變得緊張/害怕


You should think of a way to put the wind up them, so that they will not threaten you again.



whistle in the wind 白費唇舌


He knows that this plan is not going to work well. You should stop whistling in the wind but try to re-examine it.



to take the wind out of someone’s sails 挫人銳氣


He is new to this company, yet not very gentle when talking to us. I guess we need to take the wind out of his sails before he gets more disrespectful.



sail against the wind 逆流而上


Even without the support from the majority of people, I will still sail against the wind to get this policy to be passed, so that the underprivileged ones can enjoy more medical subsidies.



有風定冇風,坐定定睇idioms of wind 都喺咁開心!想學多啲咁有趣嘅idioms?記得click入其他文章喇!