熱辣辣,熱辣辣,好熱好熱!一講到夏天,就大汗耷細汗,但原來汗水一點都不簡單!因為唔少同sweat有關嘅idioms 都十分咁有趣,咩喺break out in a cold sweat?sweat one’s guts out又喺點解?叫人Don’t sweat it,即喺唔好流汗?
sweat one’s guts out 用盡全力去做某事
I sweated my guts out as an athletes to win the gold metal of this competition, but I failed to do so because I hurt my knee and I need to stay in the hospital for a month.
Don’t sweat it! 不要太擔心!
Don’t sweat it! It will be fine because the police will take care of this situation.
sweat like a pig 極大量地出汗
The weather in Hong Kong is too hot to stay outdoor. I start to sweat like a pig once I step out of the shopping mall. I cannot live without air conditioner.
no sweat 很樂意/輕而易舉的事
A: Can you help me to take that bag?
A: 你可以幫我拿那個袋嗎?
B: Sure, no sweat!
B: 當然,我很樂意!
Fixing the mobile phone was no sweat. I just need to restart it.
break out in a cold sweat 焦慮/緊張/非常害怕
I break out in a cold sweat every time I need to have examination.