唔少hit爆劇集同爆紅電影,都有星星嘅配襯,例如「來自星星的你」、「The faults in our stars」等等,到底星星有咩特別嘅魅力呢?「it’s written in the stars」可能喺世上最甜蜜嘅告白?!


相信大家一齊嚟睇睇以下嘅star idiom,會對英文中星星嘅意味有更深入嘅了解!


  • aim for the stars 抱持遠大的夢想


It is never easy to aim for the stars, but I don’t think you should give up on your dream in becoming an actress.



  • someone’s star is rising 事業蒸蒸日上的人


After years of tough works, his star is finally rising. He is now the chief executive officer in one of the biggest companies in the world.



  • have stars in someone’s eyes 心中有著(過分的)希冀


I don’t really think that she can marry a prince. She just has stars in her eyes.



  • it’s written in the stars 命中注定


Love is not always written in the stars! If you really love her, you must show her and that she will realize you have always been there for her! Otherwise, she will never be with you.



  • thank someone’s lucky stars 慶幸運氣好


You should thank your lucky stars that you did not miss that train.


