想比人感覺你嘅英文好,其實一個重點就喺用字要夠「準」!所以唔好再用咁「虛」嘅Very,先喺上上策!今次帶嚟下篇嘅6個Very 代替字,帶大家嘅英文更上一層樓啊!
Very crowded非常逼 > packed 擁擠的
In rush hour, every MTR is very crowded and sometimes I can hardly breath.
- In rush hour, every MTR is packed and sometimes I can hardly breath.
Very beautiful 非常美麗 > gorgeous 美麗動人的
The new character in this reality show is very beautiful. I hope she can be a regular guest in this show.
- The new character in this reality show is gorgeous. I hope she can be a
regular guest in this show.
Very poor 非常貧窮 > underprivileged 貧困的/底層的
She is from a very poor family, but she never give up on her dream in becoming a doctor to cure diseases.
- She is from an underprivileged family, but she never give up on her dream in becoming a doctor to cure diseases.
Very excited 非常興奮 > thrilled 極興奮的
I am very excited about spending my holiday in Japan as I have been dreaming of climbing up the mount fuji since my childhood!
- I am thrilled about spending my holiday in Japan as I have been dreaming of climbing up the mount fuji since my childhood!
Very scary 非常恐怖 > terrifying 可怕的
It is very scary to watch horror alone at home as you would no longer feel that you are alone anymore.
- It is terrifying to watch horror alone at home as you would no longer feel that you are alone anymore.
Very detailed 非常仔細 > in-depth 深入詳盡的
Your report is remarkable, and the part you mentioned about equality in society is very detailed.
- Your report is remarkable, and the part you mentioned about equality in society is in-depth.
記得以後少啲用Very 啦!仲有,同學可以回顧上篇:學英文:戒掉這12個濫用Very的字詞(上)