In the IELTS Speaking exam, can we ask questions? The answer is Yes. But, you have to be aware of what questions can be asked and what should be avoided. How can you ask the examiner in appropriate manner? Let’s learn about it in the following passage.


Ask the examiner to repeat the question politely

When you cannot hear the question clearly or are unable to follow it, you can ask the examiner to speak once more with:

  • Could you repeat the question, please?
  • I’m sorry. I didn’t catch that. Would you mind speaking more slowly?
  • I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you. Could you repeat that, please?


Never ask about the opinion of the examiner

You should be the one who is answering the question, meaning you should never ask about the personal opinions of the examiner. The following should not appear in the exam:

  • Do you agree with my point of view?
  • What is your opinion?
  • Can you give me an example for this topic?


Ask the examiner to clarify the term / rephrase the question politely

When there is a word that you don’t know / you don’t understand the question, you can consider asking the examiner:

  • Could you explain what does      mean, please?
  • I’m sorry. What do you mean exactly?


With these 3 skills in asking questions, IELTS speaking won’t be nearly as harsh as it seems!