The former passage is about introductions, which should be helpful for organizing the beginning of your presentation. After that, let’s work on the next stage, which is the main body! The following is about some phrases and sentence structures for transitions, small conclusions and giving examples.


Moving on to the main body

  • Now, let’s move on to talk about …
  • I’d like to begin by providing some general information on …

Small conclusion

  • I’d like to recap some of the main points of this part.
  • In this section, we’ve covered …

Transition to another part

  • Let’s move on to the next part of the presentation that is about …
  • It is then followed by the content that I’d like to discuss in this section.

Giving examples

  • A suitable example of this would be …
  • To have a further illustration, we can take … as an example.


Remember to make good use of these phrases and sentence structures for organizing your English presentation! If you wish to know more, you can take a look at the next passage on summarizing the whole presentation and responding to questions.