訓覺佔咗生活三分之一嘅時間,自然都有唔少字可以形容訓到、訓唔到啦!訓個晏覺嘅英文喺點講?不時訓唔著,會失眠嘅英文又點表達?慘啦!訓過龍,唔通同朋友講 sleep too much?唔洗擔心,一篇文就可以比到你關於訓覺必學嘅用語啦!
Take a nap : sleep during daytime 午睡
I want to take a nap before preparing for the show tonight.
Stay up late : not sleeping at late night 遲睡
I couldn’t finish the proposal, so I stayed up late last night to complete it.
Insomnia : unable to fall asleep 失眠
I suffered from insomnia the past few months and I am going to seek advice from a doctor.
Oversleep : sleeping too late 睡過頭
I am so sorry! I overslept in the morning, so I am late for school.
Barely hold my eyes open : very sleepy 睜不開眼,很疲憊
I can barely hold my eyes open, and I may nod off any second.
學識各種訓得著、訓唔著嘅英文用語,以後就唔喺淨喺識講 sleep 啦!