訓覺習慣有好多種,一千個人可能有一千種生活方式,咁話自己早睡早起嘅英文又點講呢?叫人起身除咗 wake up 又有咩更加陽光嘅說法呢?又話一日之計在於晨,咁如果個日心情由起身就麻麻地,英文原來都可以講到?想知道多啲,就嚟睇吓以下有關訓覺嘅 idioms 啦!


Rise and shine ! : wake someone up by saying it 快起床!

Rise and shine! It’s time for breakfast!


To burn the candle at both ends : to go to sleep late and wake up early 勞累過度/ 晚睡早起

I don’t really like burning the candle at both ends, but I have to be on time every day.


To sleep on it : to delay decision-making until the next day 讓我再想想,遲些再給你回覆

Let’s sleep on it and talk about it later.


Ready to drop : extremely tired 筋疲力盡

It was my first time to run a marathon. I was ready to drop after that.


To get up on the wrong / right side of the bed : to start the day in a bad / good mood that lasts all day 心情不好/ 好

I got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I don’t want to talk to anyone.


原來訓覺都可以有咁多 idioms 學,大家訓唔著都可以拎出到溫習吓啦!