When you are writing report on the topic of research or analysis, the data and findings may not be consistent and somehow contradictory. So, how can you bring out another point of views? Or to suggest the limitation of recent research? Let’s read on to find out the useful sentence structures for writing report!


  • However, there is still controversy over…
    However, there is still controversy over the working plan delivered a month ago.

  • In spite of the above research data that showing … , there is still concerns over…
    In spite of the above research data that showing the economic situation is improving , there is still concerns over the abnormal flow of capital in the stock market.
  • Despite this, little progress has been made …
    Despite this, little progress has been made in monitoring the quality of goods.

  • However, the disadvantages of … outweigh the advantages.
    However, the disadvantages of exercising new company policy outweigh the advantages.


Writing report is not that difficult as what you need is to know about the sentence pattern to connect the discrete data and research results together.