英語教室 BLOG

英語教室 BLOG2023-09-16T18:03:41+08:00

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1810, 2021

General English: What is the meaning of ‘cook the books’? Are you confused with the meaning of phrases like this?

18/10/2021|Categories: Daily|

Sometimes when we learn English, we cannot simply read it literally as we could mistake it for another meaning. For example, when someone tells you that she is ‘under the weather’ today. It’s not that she is really ‘under the weather’, rather it means that she is feeling sick! Let’s take a look at some phrases which cannot be literally translated!

279, 2021

DSE Reading: Common Homographs! They are both adjectives, but they have different meanings!

27/9/2021|Categories: DSE|

We mentioned that the same word can have different meanings when it is used as a verb or a noun. In fact, homographs can also apply to adjectives. For example, do you know the word ‘humble’ can be used to describe a place apart from saying a person who is not proud? Learn these words so that you can have a better understanding of the DSE English Reading!

249, 2021

DSE Paper 2: Writing pros and cons in an argumentative essay! Are you repeatedly using ‘advantage’ and ‘disadvantage’?

24/9/2021|Categories: DSE|Tags: , , |

The advantage and disadvantage question has always been a popular topic in the DSE English Writing exam. Genre of writing such as argumentative essay always request students to compare advantages and disadvantages. Let’s try using these 8 words apart from ‘advantage’ and ‘disadvantage’!