
31 10, 2022

Workplace presentation(1): How to open with an irresistible opening?

2023-03-11T22:51:46+08:0031/10/2022|Categories: Business|Tags: , |

Presentations are common in the workplace today. Various kinds of presentation may be required for different professionals, for instance, sales pitch, project presentation, client presentation, etc. It is vital to engage your audience at the start. An engaging introduction helps to capture the attention from the audience. Here, Wall Street English will provide you with some techniques you can use to begin your presentation.

13 6, 2022

The sentence structures you need for writing English report (For transition)

2023-05-08T12:55:25+08:0013/6/2022|Categories: Business|Tags: , , |

When you are writing reports on the topic of research or analysis, the data and findings may not be consistent and somehow contradictory to each other. So, how can you bring out another point of view? Or to suggest the limitation of a recent research? Let’s read the following to find out the useful sentence structures for writing report!

11 5, 2022

How to compliment my colleagues? 5 useful words you should know!

2023-08-25T11:54:57+08:0011/5/2022|Categories: Business|Tags: , , |

Have you ever wondered what word should be used to pay compliment to your colleagues when you truly find them hard-working? It is important to know that lauding their work performance and showing your appreciation towards their work attitudes can really make their day! Let’s learn about the appropriate words for compliment together!