
8 11, 2019


2023-08-28T10:23:35+08:008/11/2019|Categories: 英語文法|Tags: , |

甜甜蜜蜜嘅戀愛,除咗想同另一半好好享受,有唔少人都會喺 Instagram、Facebook 放下閃!咁你又識唔識用英文去表達拍緊拖呢?正式咁公開又得,用少少 informal 嘅字又得,得咗!無論你喺曖昧緊、熱戀中定喺單身貴族,都可以學定先,有備無患丫嘛!

7 11, 2019


2023-08-28T10:24:00+08:007/11/2019|Categories: 英語文法|Tags: , |

佢鍾意我,佢唔鍾意我⋯⋯唔好再搣花瓣住啦!你咁掛住佢,莫非喺有少少鍾意咗佢?未必要同佢直接表白嘅,鍾意嘅心情唔喺一個 love 字就到位,要學識其他表達嘅方法,先可以準確講到鍾意佢去到咩程度,等感情慢慢升溫,先再用love之類嘅字!喺時候嚟睇吓英文喺點表達啦!

1 2, 2013

Happy Valentine’s Day

2023-05-12T10:27:48+08:001/2/2013|Categories: 片語 Phrasal Verbs, 節日英語|Tags: , , |

There are many different types of love in the world. Is there someone special in your life? Is there someone you would like to express yourself your feelings to? There are different ways to express your love to another person apart from just saying “I love you”.  Here are some phrases you can use to [...]