如何學好英文?了解有效的學習英文秘訣,是成功全面提升英語聽、說、讀、寫的能力的關鍵。對很多正在學習英文的人士來說,想全面提升聽說讀寫的能力有一定難度。不想成為只擅長其中一項能力的英文「專才」?立即看看以下 Wall Street English 為你提供的自學英文秘訣,從而全面提升您的英文聽說讀寫的能力。
2023-08-25T11:56:04+08:0028/4/2022|Categories: DSE|Tags: dse應試技巧, 寫作|
No matter which English paper you are doing in the DSE exam, you can always see the words ‘problem’ and ‘difficulty', especially in paper2. If you wish to stand out from other students, this is a great chance for you to learn these advanced vocabularies!
2023-08-25T11:55:50+08:0027/4/2022|Categories: DSE|Tags: dse應試技巧, 寫作|
In DSE English writing, students are always requested to give suggestions or recommendations. Sometimes, you may not know how to end a paragraph after explaining your suggestion. Here are 7 ways for a well-written paragraph!
2023-08-25T11:57:31+08:0026/4/2022|Categories: DSE|Tags: dse應試技巧, 寫作|
When you are required to talk about impacts in the DSE English exam, do you always use keywords like serious impact/ serious problem/ serious situation? In addition to ‘serious’, you can try using this vocabulary!
2023-03-11T22:51:48+08:003/3/2022|Categories: DSE|Tags: dse應試技巧, 寫作|
Talking about ‘permanent’ and ‘temporary’, you may immediately think of the other word. When taking the DSE exam, if you want to say that a solution has long-term or short-term effects, how can you describe it without using ‘permanent’ or ‘temporary’?
2023-08-25T12:10:03+08:0025/2/2022|Categories: DSE|Tags: dse應試技巧, 寫作|
During the DSE English exam, you may need to share a difficulty, or how you overcome those difficulties. Avoid repeatedly using words like ‘difficult’/ ‘hard’/ ‘tough’, what are some vocabularies to replace them?
2023-08-25T12:09:38+08:0024/2/2022|Categories: DSE|Tags: dse應試技巧, 寫作, 常見錯誤|
Speaking of the differences between ‘will’ and ‘would’, most people will probably answer that ‘would’ is the past tense of ‘will’. Apart from that, we always use ‘would’ instead of ‘will’ in the following situations. Before we continue, can you think of any situations?
2022-01-31T12:23:56+08:0031/1/2022|Categories: DSE|Tags: dse應試技巧, 寫作|
Last time we talked about 4 groups of English words that many would consider confusing. Do you remember the differences between these two similar words in each group? In this article, we will continue to talk about the next 4 sets of similar words. Be careful not to misuse them again in the future!
2023-03-11T22:51:48+08:0028/1/2022|Categories: DSE|Tags: dse應試技巧, 寫作|
Some English words you may see frequently, such as 'compliment’ and ‘complement’, ‘sympathy’ and ‘empathy’. Are you still mixing up their meanings? We have sorted out 8 groups of commonly confused words, and we will talk about the first 4 groups today.
2021-12-28T17:39:20+08:0028/12/2021|Categories: DSE|Tags: dse應試技巧, 寫作|
We have talked about synonyms of ‘angry’ before, do you remember those five words? This time we would like to share the synonyms of ‘surprised’ with you. We hope this article can help DSE students to have a better understanding of the author's tone and attitude!
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