【Advice Advise差別】正確用法、文法、例句
Advice 和 advise 是大家最常混淆的字詞之一。雖然這兩個詞只有一字之差,但它們的詞性、意義和用法都有很大的分別。
2024-08-23T16:40:12+08:0028/6/2024|Categories: Vocabulary|Tags: 常見錯誤|
Advice 和 advise 是大家最常混淆的字詞之一。雖然這兩個詞只有一字之差,但它們的詞性、意義和用法都有很大的分別。
2023-08-25T12:09:38+08:0024/2/2022|Categories: DSE|Tags: dse應試技巧, 寫作, 常見錯誤|
Speaking of the differences between ‘will’ and ‘would’, most people will probably answer that ‘would’ is the past tense of ‘will’. Apart from that, we always use ‘would’ instead of ‘will’ in the following situations. Before we continue, can you think of any situations?
2021-03-10T18:02:08+08:008/3/2021|Categories: DSE|Tags: 常見錯誤, 英語文法|
IF and whether are commonly used to join two sentences together and should be commonly used in both writing and speaking tests. Do you know the difference between them? If and whether are often interchangeable, but not always. Let’s look at under what condition we use “whether” and “if”.
2020-09-29T15:55:48+08:0025/9/2020|Categories: DSE, Exam|Tags: 常見錯誤, 英文詞彙|
In DSE paper 2 and 4, the questions often require candidates to discuss on an issue and give out your opinion and feasible solutions. “Solve” and “resolve “are the most highly-used verbs when it comes to dealing with problems or issues. Here is the explanation of how to these two words. "Solve" and "resolve" both mean "to deal with" in the Chinese dictionary, but they differ slightly in English contexts.
2023-03-11T22:51:59+08:0015/2/2020|Categories: English Tips|Tags: 常見錯誤|
Sometimes you may see some words that seem familiar to you, yet it is with different usage. It may not be wrong, and one of the possibilities can be our confusion about some English words. Below are some confusing terms that you may get them wrong easily!
2024-01-05T17:41:28+08:009/3/2018|Categories: Two-minute English|Tags: common mistakes, listening, Speaking, 常見錯誤, 會話, 聆聽|
There are more awkward situations caused by wrong pronunciation in English than you can imagine. Check if you have made these mistakes before!
2023-09-07T13:32:01+08:0027/11/2017|Categories: Grammar|Tags: 常見錯誤, 會話|
大家可能都知道 person 同 people 意思都係「人」,但究竟幾時要用 person,幾時要用 people ?一齊睇吓有啲咩分別!
2023-09-07T13:32:38+08:0023/10/2017|Categories: Grammar|Tags: 常見錯誤, 會話|
香港嘅八大院校名稱裡面都有 "university" 一字,而唔少為人熟悉嘅中學就以 "college" 命名。 既然係咁,大學生同中學生喺咪分別叫 "university student" 同 "college student" 呢?原来唔係! 一齊睇吓有啲咩分別!
2023-09-07T13:37:37+08:0014/8/2017|Categories: Daily|Tags: 常見錯誤, 會話, 運動|
大家又有冇諗過 "Olympics" 同 "Olympic" 有咩分別呢? 原來 "Olympics" 係名詞,而 "Olympic" 就係形容詞!一齊睇吓仲有啲咩分別!
2023-09-07T13:39:22+08:0020/7/2017|Categories: Grammar|Tags: 常見錯誤, 會話, 英語文法|
Practice 同 Practise 一個有 "c",一個有 "s";但究竟呢個分別係英式英語嚟講有咩意思呢?下文為大家拆解!
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