教育局更改教師語文能力評核要求為 IELTS
教育局宣布,2024/25 學年起,新任教英文及普通話科的教師必須通過國際英語水平考試 (IELTS) 或國家語言文字工作委員會普通話水平測試,才能證明其語文能力。新制將取代現行的「語文能力評核」筆試及口試,「課堂語言運用」評核則維持不變。
2024-08-26T12:40:29+08:008/4/2024|Categories: IELTS, informative|Tags: IELTS, 應試技巧|
教育局宣布,2024/25 學年起,新任教英文及普通話科的教師必須通過國際英語水平考試 (IELTS) 或國家語言文字工作委員會普通話水平測試,才能證明其語文能力。新制將取代現行的「語文能力評核」筆試及口試,「課堂語言運用」評核則維持不變。
2024-03-05T19:05:43+08:0017/8/2023|Categories: 提升英文, informative|Tags: Writing, 寫作, 應試技巧|
英文寫作是一項重要的技能,不僅可以幫助我們表達自己的想法,還能在學術、工作 Email 甚至日常生活中發揮重要的作用。然而,對於許多人來說,英文寫作 Writing 可能是一個具有挑戰性的任務,因此,今次 Wall Street English 為你介紹一些提升英文寫作能力及技巧的方法,幫助您成為一位更自信和流利的英文寫作者。
2024-04-24T12:59:41+08:0030/6/2023|Categories: IELTS, informative|Tags: IELTS, 應試技巧, 懶人包|
IELTS(國際英語語言測試)是一種用於評估英語非母語人士英語能力的考試,包括聽力、閱讀、寫作和說話四個部分。IELTS 測試的分數是以 9 分制評級系統來進行評估,分數越高代表英語能力越強。本文將介紹 IELTS 9分制評級系統 / CEFR IELTS 分數程度對照分數程度對照表 / 如何計算您的 IELTS 整體評級分數/ IELTS 報名前需要注意的事項 / IELTS 考試時間 / IELTS 練習題目,以助你考好 IELTS 考試,取得更好的成績。
2024-03-20T17:28:18+08:008/6/2023|Categories: IELTS|Tags: IELTS, 應試技巧, 英文俚語|
Idioms are widely use in the communications in English. One of the criterias to get a band 7 or above in the IELTS Speaking exam is that you have to be proficient in English. One good way to show your proficiency in English is using idioms. Once the usage of idioms is mastered, you can expect to impress the examiner in the speaking test.
2024-03-20T17:31:46+08:006/6/2023|Categories: IELTS|Tags: IELTS, 應試技巧|
“Not only, but also” is a popular sentence pattern, but a lot of people don’t know how to use it correctly. Do you know how to use “Not only, but also” in the right way? Learn the useful sentence pattern, inversion with Wall Street English to upgrade your speaking and writing immediately!
2024-12-31T12:34:28+08:0025/5/2023|Categories: IELTS, 提升英文, informative|Tags: IELTS, 應試技巧, 懶人包|
IELTS 雅思考試受多個國際機構、政府部門承認,認受性比其他同類考試更高。考試包含英文聽說讀寫四卷。很多考生面對IELTS考試,不知如何入手,今天我們會介紹多個輕鬆預備IELTS 雅思考試的要點,幫助考生有效備試,獲取高分。
2023-09-11T11:22:27+08:001/4/2023|Categories: Business, DSE, IELTS, Vocabulary|Tags: 寫作, 應試技巧, 會話, 職場用語|
Describing growth and decline is one of the most important areas in a business presentation. Here’re some useful vocabulary for describing ups and downs of business when making a presentation using graphs and charts.
2023-08-25T11:54:13+08:0027/5/2022|Categories: DSE|Tags: dse應試技巧, 應試技巧, 閱讀|
When charts are shown in the exam questions, you can always see the word ‘explain’. Apart from “explain”, these following words also have similar meanings!
2023-08-25T11:53:29+08:0025/5/2022|Categories: DSE, English Tips|Tags: dse應試技巧, 應試技巧|
Nouns can be divided into two categories, countable and uncountable. Some English words seem only to be uncountable nouns, such as ‘power’, yet it can also be countable nouns! Do you know what ‘power’ means when it is used as a countable noun?
2022-04-22T13:22:43+08:0029/9/2021|Categories: DSE|Tags: 應試技巧|
Another article with phrases beginning with prepositions! Here is a question: do you know how we say ‘temporary’ in another way? Is it ‘on/for/from the moment’? Scroll down and find the answer!
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