
14 8, 2019

DSE Paper 2: 4 expressions that can replace ‘do not agree with something’

2020-06-30T18:37:02+08:0014/8/2019|Categories: DSE|Tags: , , , |

The secret of getting stars in DSE paper 2 is a rich variety of vocabulary, which means you cannot use the same words or expressions again and again. If you want to write about your disagreement or objection towards an issue, what would you use to replace ‘do not agree with something’ ? You can read on to figure out the answer!

13 6, 2019

【老師教路:IELTS Speaking高分秘技!(下)】

2023-08-29T10:00:33+08:0013/6/2019|Categories: IELTS, Exam|Tags: , , , |

IELTS Speaking 考試最常見嘅問題就係考生對「高分」嘅想法同考官對「高分」嘅要求與期望並不相同。舉例來講,大部分考IELTS嘅同學都覺得只要用好長好難嘅字詞 (Big words) 就能夠得到高分,雖然唔能夠否定用Big words的確對用詞有幫助,但Speaking 考試高分嘅重點係「聽上嚟夠地道」,長而難嘅生字唔常見,亦唔多人明白呢啲字嘅意思,所以對獲得高分係無太大幫助。

4 3, 2019


2023-08-29T10:29:11+08:004/3/2019|Categories: DSE, Exam|Tags: , , , , |

Comparative phrases係DSE英文寫作考試入面好常用嘅論述工具,通常喺比較型論句就會見到。但係我哋好多時寫「A比B好」就慣用Better,寫「A比B差」就用Worse。今時今日,咁嘅用字喺唔夠架!想DSE英文考得好?咁就要睇睇以下幫到您攞分嘅英文比較 (Comparative) 用字啦!

16 4, 2018

DSE 英文 Speaking:審題 3 部曲

2023-05-12T11:32:01+08:0016/4/2018|Categories: DSE, Exam|Tags: , , |

DSE 英文卷四 Speaking 開始前有 10 分鐘準備時間,各位同學習慣點樣運用呢? 唔少考生習慣準備時間一開始就「開 turbo」咁寫低自己嘅發言內容,但其實小心審題先至最緊要!因為審錯題的話,發言會好容易離題。建議大家花起碼 1 分半至兩分鐘認真閱讀題目所有資料,先開始寫底自己觀點。 睇睇分別有邊 3 個審題步驟喇!