2024-12-30T12:24:17+08:0019/11/2024|Categories: Daily|Tags: 日常英語|
2024-11-13T10:48:09+08:0013/11/2024|Categories: Daily|Tags: 日常英語|
十一月是香港各間大學的畢業季!向同學、老師或家人朋友送上祝福及感謝時,可以如何用英文表達呢? 以下為大家整理了一些常見用的畢業相關英文單字,以及可以應用於各種情況的英文畢業祝福句子。
2024-08-26T12:33:20+08:0021/6/2024|Categories: Travel|Tags: 情景對話, 日常英語|
2024-08-26T18:08:12+08:0026/4/2024|Categories: Daily|Tags: 日常英語, 母親節|
2024-04-24T18:11:49+08:0023/4/2024|Categories: 提升英文, informative|Tags: 實用英語, 日常英語, 睇片學英文|
在免費資訊爆炸的時代,很多人都希望能夠利用網路資源來學習或練習英語。YouTube和Netflix等平台以其方便、寓學習於娛樂的特點,吸引了大批用家,同時,也有一個說法,只要透過大量觀看英文電影 / 影片,就可以以輕鬆的方式掌握英語,提高語言能力。
2024-03-20T12:24:28+08:0020/3/2024|Categories: Daily|Tags: 日常英語|
When you have the chance to work, travel or live in foreign countries, it’s necessary for you to greet others politely and casually. Other than saying ‘ how are you’, do you know any other ways to say hello ? Let’s forget about ‘ how are you’ and ‘I’m fine, thank you’ and learn the following ways for greeting !
2024-04-24T13:40:48+08:0017/8/2023|Categories: Festival|Tags: 中秋, 日常英語|
中秋節是一個重要的傳統中式節日,代表團聚的意義。在這個日子,傳統上,家人會聚在一起食 月餅 、賞月。以下會介紹中秋節的由來、各種 月餅 的英文、以及中秋節的英文祝福語。 中秋節起源於中國古代的祭月活動。在農曆八月十五這天,月亮是最圓潤的時候,所以選在這一天賞月、祭月,慶祝豐收。後來逐漸發展成為家族團圓的節日。今天,中秋節跟感恩、團聚的意義緊密相連。 月餅 是中秋節的主要食物,種類繁多。今次Wall Street English 為你介紹常見 月餅 的英文名稱。
2024-03-20T17:12:25+08:0023/6/2023|Categories: Daily|Tags: 日常英語, 英文詞彙|
In daily life, we hear various types of laughter. Using only “smile” cannot accurately express these different types of laughter! Let’s look at 8 different ways to express them! 1. Smile She greeted me with a warm smile when I arrived at the party. 2. Giggle The silly joke made her giggle uncontrollably. [...]
2024-03-20T17:20:21+08:0020/6/2023|Categories: Daily|Tags: 日常英語, 英文俚語|
Have you ever thought “plants" can be used practically in daily English? These plant-related phrases may have figurative meanings that differ from their literal definitions. Let’s learn them together!
2024-03-20T17:36:28+08:0025/5/2023|Categories: Daily|Tags: 日常英語|
We have learnt years of English, memorized thousands of vocabs. However, how much of the English we have learnt come in handy? Today, let Wall Street English teach you some useful expressions you can say when you are in a quarrel with somebody.
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