2024-01-03T18:11:14+08:003/12/2016|Categories: 兩分鐘英語|Tags: 旅遊英語, 會話, 聆聽, 職場用語|
This week, I am going to talk about greeting people in English, what you should do in those situations, phrases that are useful, and what you can say when you bump into people unexpectedly.
2024-01-08T16:38:37+08:0028/11/2016|Categories: 英語文法|Tags: 寫作, 會話|
想令人眼前一亮、印象加分,可嘗試運用英詩常用的修辭手法如 Simile(明喻)和 Metaphor(暗喻),將句子變得生動又有趣!但首先你要識得分咩係 Simile 和 Metaphor。
2017-03-20T23:29:30+08:0017/11/2016|Categories: DSE 香港中學文憑|Tags: dse應試技巧, 常見錯誤, 應試技巧, 會話|
有唔少 DSE 考生準備充足,但卻因為犯下一啲常見或唔小心嘅錯誤而失分,真係好唔抵㗎!學識呢四個 DSE Speaking 常見錯誤失分位;錯少啲,自然高分啲!
2024-01-03T18:00:24+08:0011/11/2016|Categories: 兩分鐘英語|Tags: 旅遊英語, 會話, 聆聽|
We will be going through an interesting topic about Travel English & Conversations at the airport.