常見 Chinglish 錯誤(一)
同外國人傾計時唔覺意講咗句 Chinglish⋯對方唔單止聽唔明,仲有可能引起誤會!你有成日講港式英語嗎?快D學識正統英語,同港式英語 say bye 啦!
2024-01-04T11:13:26+08:0015/10/2016|Categories: 兩分鐘英語|Tags: 常見錯誤, 會話, 聆聽|
This week, I’m going to go over some common pronunciation errors that many people make here in Hong Kong.
2023-05-12T10:56:12+08:0013/10/2016|Categories: DSE 香港中學文憑, 英語文法|Tags: 介詞, 寫作, 常見錯誤, 會話|
介詞有時真係好難捉摸~真係易學難精,需要惡補!有時覺得用 ”at” 順口啲⋯有時又覺得係咪應該用 ”in”?但其實用 ”on”先啱??你又有無呢幾個 common mistakes?
2016-11-16T17:01:12+08:0010/10/2016|Categories: 英語文法|Tags: 寫作, 會話, 聽歌學英文|
有好多歌詞都運用左明喻 (simile) 同暗喻 (metaphor) 嘅修辭手法,為首歌增添色彩同深度,其實呢類手法唔淨只係詩詞入面先見到㗎。咁你又識咖識分 咩係 simile 或 metaphor 呢?有咩歌用到呢兩種手法?一齊入黎聽歌學英文啦!
2023-05-12T10:56:17+08:006/10/2016|Categories: 英語文法|Tags: 寫作, 會話|
Modal Verbs(情態動詞)係用嚟表達想法或者態度。我們教你學會用三個情景嚟示範 Modal Verbs(情態動詞)嘅應用方法!
2017-01-06T12:23:00+08:003/10/2016|Categories: 片語 Phrasal Verbs|Tags: 寫作, 會話|
Phrasal verb (短語動詞) 係指由兩至三個詞組成嘅動詞。組合入面第一個詞係動詞,第二係副詞、介詞或副詞加介詞。有啲唔明?立即睇下呢10個例子啦!
2024-01-04T11:12:55+08:001/10/2016|Categories: 兩分鐘英語|Tags: 商業英語, 會話, 聆聽, 職場用語|
How many of you guys work in customer service? It is great to experience working in customer service because you learn to serve people and control your emotions. One common pronunciation mistake that I hear many people working in customer service make in Hong Kong is the phrase: “How may I help you?”
2023-05-12T11:29:25+08:0029/9/2016|Categories: DSE 香港中學文憑, IELTS雅思|Tags: dse應試技巧, 應試技巧, 會話|
用英文表達意見有很多種方式,唔使次次都用 "I think that..." 做開頭!必學4大表達意見方式,一定能令人地對你的印象加分!