
21 4, 2023

How to request a job reference letter via email? (With sample)

2023-04-21T11:18:09+08:0021/4/2023|Categories: Business|Tags: , |

Tips for requesting reference letter or letter of recommendation from your previous supervisor. When you are looking for a new job, you are most likely required to provide a letter of recommendation. However, many people find it difficult drafting an email to request assistance from their precious supervisor. Wall Street English will provide you with a few tips about drafting a request email, together with a sample.

31 3, 2023

A guide to job interview: the best answer to “Tell me about yourself”

2023-03-31T11:18:36+08:0031/3/2023|Categories: Business|Tags: , , |

In every job interview, you are going to come across this question: “Tell me about yourself”. Self-introduction is no doubt the most common question in interviews. However, it is also a tricky question as your answer has a direct impact on the interviewer’s first impression of you. A good answer to this question is also the key to success in your interview. So, how to give impressive answers and let the interviewer see your charm in this 1 minute? Wall Street English will teach you 3 important steps and a sample answer to help you excel in the interview.

5 3, 2018

搵工講錢傷感情? 3 招拆解!

2024-05-13T16:08:08+08:005/3/2018|Categories: Business|Tags: , , |

求職除咗係想自己有更佳嘅發展,當然亦同時係「求財」,希望自己辛苦工作得到回報! 不過,搵工時問得太多有關薪酬福利嘅嘢難免令人覺得你只係「向錢看」;但唔問又驚唔清唔楚⋯點算好?! 睇睇以下求職時有關薪酬福利嘅實用英文溝通句式啦!

2 10, 2017

Cover Letter 小貼士,大學問

2023-09-07T13:32:51+08:002/10/2017|Categories: Business|Tags: , |

Cover letter(求職信)可以話係面試官對你嘅第一印象。 其實,cover letter 不單用以表達你嘅求職意向,仲係對方評估你語文能力嘅「隱形測試」。 睇睇以下貼士及示範啦!