Two-minute English: How can you express compliment?
Learn from Louis how to express compliment in a polite way!
2017-03-20T23:28:23+08:0030/3/2017|Categories: DSE 香港中學文憑|Tags: dse應試技巧, 聆聽|
各位同學做DSE Paper 3 Listening and Integrated Skills 時會唔會覺得份卷好長?要聽要睇仲要寫長文,好吃力又唔夠時間做?只要掌握以下 3 個技巧,考試時就可以更輕鬆,更得心應手!
2024-01-04T11:34:58+08:0024/3/2017|Categories: 兩分鐘英語|Tags: 旅遊英語, 會話, 聆聽|
Are you taking a trip? Here are some English tips that all travelers should know!
2024-01-04T11:34:24+08:003/3/2017|Categories: 兩分鐘英語|Tags: 會話, 潮語, 聆聽|
Here are 5 commonly used American slang words you need to know!