
18 9, 2019

How to get sick leave in English !? Symptoms of sickness you should know!

2020-06-29T11:38:26+08:0018/9/2019|Categories: Business, Conversation, English Tips|Tags: , , , , , |

It is unavoidable to apply for sick leave when you are seriously ill. Before that happens, learning some English terms for the symptoms of sickness will be very useful in case of emergency. Let’s take a look at the common types of illness and read on the sample sentences on how to get sick leave now !

28 5, 2018


2018-05-08T15:25:10+08:0028/5/2018|Categories: Daily, Vocabulary|Tags: |

女士們可能知道"perfume"係香水,而男士們亦會知道"cologne"指古龍水,但"Eau de Toilette"或"toilet water"又係乜嘢呢?唔通指廁所水?!唔想再混淆,記低以下各類香水嘅英文喇!

30 4, 2018


2023-08-29T10:48:21+08:0030/4/2018|Categories: Daily, Vocabulary|Tags: , , |

大家有冇試過係書局見到十分吸引嘅英文食譜忍唔住買咗返嚟,但仔細睇先發覺睇唔明啲英文? 又或者有無試過叫工人姐姐煮嘢食時唔識講煮食工具嘅英文而要指手劃腳? 如果有嘅,就要認識一下以下超實用,記低以下英文食譜必備嘅煮食英語喇!

23 4, 2018


2023-08-29T10:48:26+08:0023/4/2018|Categories: Vocabulary|Tags: |

香港人生活繁忙;工作一整天後拖著疲累身軀返屋企,有時真係攰到唔識表達! 其實「好攰」嘅英文表達方式有好多種;不妨認識一下以下例子,下次傾計時就可以靈活運用!

15 2, 2018

IELTS Exam Tips: 運用強大英文詞庫幫你加分

2024-08-06T12:28:29+08:0015/2/2018|Categories: Exam, IELTS, Video|Tags: , , , , , , |

IELTS 要考得高分,其中一個得分要點就喺要用相當豐富同有深度嘅詞彙;相反,同一個字出現次數太頻繁,評分者睇得多都嫌悶,繼而對你嘅印象同分數就會大打折扣。仲有咩其他用語可以表達「important」和「situation」?立即睇睇 Wall Street English 資深導師 Walter 點講!