
27 5, 2022


2024-05-13T16:14:48+08:0027/5/2022|Categories: 提升英文, informative|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

如何學好英文?了解有效的學習英文秘訣,是成功全面提升英語聽、說、讀、寫的能力的關鍵。對很多正在學習英文的人士來說,想全面提升聽說讀寫的能力有一定難度。不想成為只擅長其中一項能力的英文「專才」?立即看看以下 Wall Street English 為你提供的自學英文秘訣,從而全面提升您的英文聽說讀寫的能力。

26 11, 2021

DSE synonyms! What can we use apart from ‘quickly’ and ‘slowly’?

2023-03-11T22:51:49+08:0026/11/2021|Categories: DSE|Tags: , |

When we are describing the speed or time, we can use words like ‘quickly’ and ‘slowly’. However, the passages in the reading exam might not use these two words, instead they will use difficult words to make it harder for students to read. Therefore, in order to understand those passages, we should also learn their synonyms!

24 11, 2021

DSE Paper 1,2: Can you use ‘by’ to express agreement? Here are 8 ways to use this preposition.

2021-11-24T18:01:04+08:0024/11/2021|Categories: DSE|Tags: , , |

Speaking of the preposition ‘by’, can you think of the ways in which it can be used? It can be used to talk about transportation, for example ‘I go to school by bus’. Alternatively, it can also be used in passive sentences, such as ‘The question was answered by the teacher’. Apart from these two usages, can you think of any other ways to use the word, ‘by’?

15 1, 2018

DSE考生必讀!寫Essay必備奪分字詞 – 上集

2023-08-29T18:03:23+08:0015/1/2018|Categories: DSE, Grammar|Tags: , |

各位DSE同學有冇試過明明覺得自己答案「中晒 point」,但偏偏分數總係「爭梗啲」?你可能係缺少咗 connectives/ transitional words(連接詞/轉折詞)! 佢哋係句子/文章中有承上啟下之用;可以幫你即時「執靚」你篇文,令文章更為通順有條理。 一於記低以下超實用 connectives/ transitional words (連接詞/轉折詞),下次測驗考試時試下運用!

14 11, 2016


2023-06-13T10:25:01+08:0014/11/2016|Categories: IELTS|Tags: |

IELTS 閱讀部分頗具挑戰性,不少考生被某些考題難倒而浪費了時間,影響整體表現。況且連續閱讀數篇文章無疑是很費勁,如此密集的工作更可能影響判斷力,使考生失去了做卷的方向。要避免這些情況,考生要把握這4個題型套路和應試技巧。