聽名言學英文:Simile (明喻)及Metaphor (暗喻)
人生不如意事十常八九,但遇上挫折或低谷時難免失落⋯以下 5 句勵志名言可以鼓勵到你失落的朋友,從中更可啟發你的思考,甚至仲可以提升你的英語,將句子變得生動又有趣!但首先你要識得分咩係 Simile 和 Metaphor。
2023-06-13T10:25:01+08:0014/11/2016|Categories: IELTS雅思|Tags: 閱讀|
IELTS 閱讀部分頗具挑戰性,不少考生被某些考題難倒而浪費了時間,影響整體表現。況且連續閱讀數篇文章無疑是很費勁,如此密集的工作更可能影響判斷力,使考生失去了做卷的方向。要避免這些情況,考生要把握這4個題型套路和應試技巧。
2023-05-12T21:03:30+08:0018/10/2016|Categories: 好書推介|Tags: 閱讀|
Beautiful and heartbreaking. Told in a strong, clear voice that makes it hard to believe it comes from a child. It’s no wonder that she became the youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner at the age of sixteen.
2023-05-12T21:03:38+08:0011/10/2016|Categories: 好書推介|Tags: 閱讀|
If you ever wonder how you can operate a company successfully, why not take some advice from the CEO from the best company in the world?
2023-05-12T21:03:42+08:004/10/2016|Categories: 好書推介|Tags: 閱讀|
All in all ‘Friend & Foe’ was an enjoyable read and I would recommend it to a broad audience as it relates to everyday life as well and the world of business. Whilst being engaging and well-written, it is also a great guide to success in our social environment.
2023-05-12T21:03:47+08:0027/9/2016|Categories: 好書推介|Tags: 閱讀|
We have all come to see how popular TED Talks has grown to be; bringing together a wide range of short talks on a variety of subjects.
2023-05-12T18:24:52+08:001/3/2015|Categories: 日常生活|Tags: 科學, 閱讀|
Can you match their names to their achievements?
2023-05-12T18:24:57+08:001/2/2015|Categories: 日常生活|Tags: 朋友, 閱讀|
Do you have them in your close circle of friends?
2023-05-12T18:25:02+08:001/1/2015|Categories: 日常生活|Tags: 科學, 閱讀|
Technology has definitely improved our lives in various ways. Look at these 5 great inventions and you’ll know.