主動英文:active? initiative? proactive? 見工面試英文tips!
當在見工面試時,強調自己是一個主動的人是很重要的。這樣的描述可以讓面試官知道你具有積極進取的態度,並且願意主動解決問題。那麼主動的英文應該怎樣說呢?active? initiative? proactive?
2024-08-26T12:50:04+08:0011/6/2024|Categories: Vocabulary|Tags: 求職, 面試|
當在見工面試時,強調自己是一個主動的人是很重要的。這樣的描述可以讓面試官知道你具有積極進取的態度,並且願意主動解決問題。那麼主動的英文應該怎樣說呢?active? initiative? proactive?
2023-03-31T11:18:36+08:0031/3/2023|Categories: Business|Tags: interview, 求職, 面試|
In every job interview, you are going to come across this question: “Tell me about yourself”. Self-introduction is no doubt the most common question in interviews. However, it is also a tricky question as your answer has a direct impact on the interviewer’s first impression of you. A good answer to this question is also the key to success in your interview. So, how to give impressive answers and let the interviewer see your charm in this 1 minute? Wall Street English will teach you 3 important steps and a sample answer to help you excel in the interview.
2023-08-25T11:57:18+08:0020/4/2022|Categories: Business|Tags: 職場, 職場用語, 面試|
When applying for a job, you should show your strengths to the interviewer. On one hand, showing that you have the ability to work, and on the other hand, showing your enthusiasm for the job position. Rather than saying 'I can do...’, you should use these following sentences!
2023-12-15T13:39:26+08:0010/11/2021|Categories: Business|Tags: 商業英語, 職場用語, 面試|
To ace an interview, you should mention a few of your strengths when the interviewer asks you to introduce yourself or asks you why you are the best candidate for the position. Usually, we will use some adjectives to respond. However, you may want to try to use these phrases below for a more excellent response!
2023-06-20T11:33:09+08:004/12/2017|Categories: Business|Tags: 會話, 職場用語, 面試|
見工面試時,終於「過五關斬六將」咁答晒面試官嘅問題,以為「坐定粒六」? 錯喇!面試官大多數都會反問返一句:"Do you have any questions for us?" (你有無問題想問我哋?)。如果「淆底」答 "no",就即刻扣分!一於睇睇以下嘅良好發問示範!
2017-06-05T08:00:28+08:005/6/2017|Categories: Business|Tags: 職場英文, 面試|
2023-06-13T11:55:19+08:004/5/2017|Categories: Business|Tags: 會話, 職場用語, 面試|
搵工面試唔係對方問,就係要自己問,問得好就會加工,否則都幾尷尬。 唔使絞盡腦汁,亦唔使方寸大亂,我們抽出5個常見面試問題,教你如何妙答避免被妙殺。
2024-01-04T11:27:48+08:009/12/2016|Categories: Two-minute English|Tags: Business, listening, Speaking, 會話, 求職, 聆聽, 職場用語, 面試|
Our teacher Penny will tell you how to the answers the hardest interview questions!
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