
22 1, 2021

8 adjectives to replace yummy, so you don’t need to always repeat this word!

2023-03-11T22:51:53+08:0022/1/2021|Categories: Daily|Tags: , , |

Everyone loves yummy food. Sometimes, having a satisfying meal is our motivation to work! In English, we hear ‘yummy’, ‘delicious’ and ‘tasty’ the most because they are the most basic words. However, there are many words to describe yummy. Sometimes, it can even mean different extend! Let’s learn the following 8 words about yummy!

30 4, 2018


2023-08-29T10:48:21+08:0030/4/2018|Categories: Daily, Vocabulary|Tags: , , |

大家有冇試過係書局見到十分吸引嘅英文食譜忍唔住買咗返嚟,但仔細睇先發覺睇唔明啲英文? 又或者有無試過叫工人姐姐煮嘢食時唔識講煮食工具嘅英文而要指手劃腳? 如果有嘅,就要認識一下以下超實用,記低以下英文食譜必備嘅煮食英語喇!

25 12, 2017


2023-08-29T18:01:20+08:0025/12/2017|Categories: Travel|Tags: , , |

唔知大家喺機上等食飛機餐時有冇覺得「又期待,又怕被傷害」呢?事關肚餓想食嘢;但又怕英文唔好唔識提出要求,又怕食唔到適合自己嘅飛機餐! 睇睇以下飛機餐全攻略,下次去旅行搭飛機時就冇有怕喇!

30 10, 2017

食 Subway 學英文

2023-09-07T13:32:23+08:0030/10/2017|Categories: Daily|Tags: , , |

大家有冇去過售賣潛艇堡(submarine sandwich)嘅 Subway 快餐店呢?唔熟悉各式各樣配料,醬汁嘅英文,但點餐時要同佢哋嘅外籍員工溝通⋯⋯真係一大挑戰! 唔想下次再講 "I want this, this and this" ?記住以下嘅點餐英語指南喇!不妨「寓學習於美食」,邊食邊學英文!

9 10, 2017


2024-01-08T16:32:15+08:009/10/2017|Categories: Daily|Tags: , |

早前教過大家出街食飯嘅實用英語,但就算預訂,點餐同埋單都對答如流,使用餐具 (tableware) 不當或餐桌禮儀 (table manners)  唔得體一樣會令人尷尬,甚至出醜! 一於記低埋以下有關餐具及餐桌禮儀嘅實用貼士!

16 3, 2017

10個食得落肚嘅英文諺語 idioms!?

2017-03-16T08:01:07+08:0016/3/2017|Categories: Idioms|Tags: , , |

廣東俗語精簡而富有趣味,巧妙地通過現代生活的語境,引出俗語,其實英文都一樣。今篇我們以食身為題,食物種類繁多,英文 Idioms同樣多。和廣東俗語一樣,可以精簡但又意味深長。以下 10 個例子,你聽過未呢?