
14 4, 2023

How to handle complaints? A guide to reply to complaint letter

2023-04-17T18:20:21+08:0014/4/2023|Categories: DSE, Exam|Tags: |

After learning how to write a complaint letter, let’s switch the angle and learn how to write a reply to a complaint letter. Both appear frequently in the DSE English Paper 3 Part B. Wall Street English will provide you with the common sentence patterns you can use to write a decent and polite reply to a complaint letter.

11 4, 2023

How to write a complaint letter?

2023-04-14T15:52:36+08:0011/4/2023|Categories: DSE, Exam|Tags: |

Writing a complaint letter is a common topic in the English DSE paper 3. Wall Street English is going to teach you how to write a polite but powerful and effective complaint letter step by step. We will also teach you how to write a reply to a complaint letter next time. If you wish to know, please stay tuned!

21 2, 2023

Do not use “firstly, secondly” in essays again! What are the other connectives we can use to start a new paragraph?

2023-03-06T16:55:01+08:0021/2/2023|Categories: DSE, Exam|Tags: , |

It is always common to see “firstly, secondly, lastly” in reports or essays. These connective words no doubt make the passage easier to read and look more organized. Nevertheless, they are too repetitive and dull to read. Wall Street English is going to teach you more effective ways of saying “firstly, secondly”. Let us learn the words together!

16 1, 2023

Common grammatical mistakes found in DSE

2023-01-16T11:28:42+08:0016/1/2023|Categories: DSE, Exam|Tags: |

Grammar mistakes may affect your marks in DSE. It is important to make sure that your writings are error-free. Today, Wall Street English compiled 5 common grammar errors made by DSE students. Let’s see if you made any of these mistakes!

25 10, 2022

A complete guide to writing argumentative essays

2022-12-13T13:43:45+08:0025/10/2022|Categories: DSE, Exam|Tags: |

How to write argumentative essays that could earn high marks? Appearing every year in DSE, argumentative essays are always a challenging genre for students. Let Wall Street English provide you with some tips and 5** examples to teach you how to write an outstanding argumentative essay.

20 10, 2022

How to transform informal writing into a formal one? What are the key points when writing a formal essay?

2023-08-25T11:42:15+08:0020/10/2022|Categories: DSE, Exam|Tags: |

Transforming informal writing into a formal one is indeed an issue. Formal writing appears every year in DSE, especially in paper 2 writing and paper 3 Integrated skillls. It is essential for us to learn how to write formal writing. However, many students lose their marks in Language as they fail to use the right formal tone. Let Wall Street English teach you how to write a formal passage.

13 9, 2022

Advanced vocab to help you upgrade your DSE English writing

2022-09-21T10:18:36+08:0013/9/2022|Categories: DSE, Exam|Tags: |

Advanced vocab to help you get 5** your DSE English writing. Brilliant vocabulary plays an important role in getting high marks for your writing in DSE. But a lot of students are still using simple words like “very”, “worsen”, “huge" and fail to get high marks in the language part. To write 5** essays, learn the following high-level words.