Two-minute English: Agreeing and Disagreeing in English
Listening for agreement and disagreement can be tough if English isn't your first language. Here are some tips and practice questions to help you make it work.
2024-01-04T11:22:01+08:003/2/2017|Categories: 兩分鐘英語|Tags: DSE, dse應試技巧, 商業英語, 會話, 聆聽, 職場用語|
Listening for agreement and disagreement can be tough if English isn't your first language. Here are some tips and practice questions to help you make it work.
2017-03-20T23:29:12+08:0029/12/2016|Categories: DSE 香港中學文憑|Tags: dse應試技巧, 寫作, 小組討論, 應試技巧, 會話|
有冇試過係一篇短短嘅文章不斷重複使用同一個字,令考官覺得學生欠缺新意,用字貧乏。其實唔少 DSE 常用字詞都有非常多變嘅寫法,同學不妨多作嘗試,因應句子嘅整體意思而選擇最恰當的用字,向 “hea” 字say no!
2017-03-20T23:29:30+08:0017/11/2016|Categories: DSE 香港中學文憑|Tags: dse應試技巧, 常見錯誤, 應試技巧, 會話|
有唔少 DSE 考生準備充足,但卻因為犯下一啲常見或唔小心嘅錯誤而失分,真係好唔抵㗎!學識呢四個 DSE Speaking 常見錯誤失分位;錯少啲,自然高分啲!
2023-05-12T11:29:25+08:0029/9/2016|Categories: DSE 香港中學文憑, IELTS雅思|Tags: dse應試技巧, 應試技巧, 會話|
用英文表達意見有很多種方式,唔使次次都用 "I think that..." 做開頭!必學4大表達意見方式,一定能令人地對你的印象加分!