14 9, 2019

DSE English paper : How to use Discourse Marker cleverly!? (For Emphasis)

2020-06-29T12:49:17+08:0014/9/2019|Categories: DSE, Exam|Tags: , , , , |

When you are writing argumentative articles or trying to persuade people, the language you use is a determining factor in whether your work is outstanding or not. Therefore, what you need are the discourse markers that help you to emphasize your stance and points! Seek the attention of markers and stop acting too ambiguous!

12 9, 2019

DSE English paper : How to use Discourse Marker cleverlys!?  (For Generalization)

2020-06-29T12:49:31+08:0012/9/2019|Categories: DSE, Exam|Tags: , , , , |

If you want to give a brief conclusion for the points you made, the whole article or the examples, you need to generalize them before introducing the summary, or else, it would be a mess! To keep it tidy and neat in your passage, the discourse markers below can surely help! Remember to jot them down so that you can use it in paper 2, 3 and 4.

10 9, 2019

DSE English paper : How to use Discourse Markers cleverly!? (For Comparison)

2020-06-29T12:49:27+08:0010/9/2019|Categories: DSE, Exam|Tags: , , , , |

When you are writing about comparisons, without using the term ‘ in comparison’, you can also state it clearly which can win the attention of markers! Introducing the discourse markers below, it helps you to organize your passage and you can probably gain more marks! You can apply them to paper 2 /3/4, and so there is no reason for you not to know more about how to use them wisely!

14 8, 2019

DSE Paper 2: Striking for 5**! Words to replace ‘strange’

2019-08-14T17:27:43+08:0014/8/2019|Categories: DSE, Exam|Tags: |

As DSE paper 2 often mentions about some social phenomenon or discussions regarding policy-making, you may need to point out an absurd point of view from the opposite side. Without using ‘strange’, can you immediately think of other words to replace it? Let’s start with this step and begin with our journey to 5**!

14 8, 2019

DSE Paper 2: 4 expressions that can replace ‘do not agree with something’

2020-06-30T18:37:02+08:0014/8/2019|Categories: DSE|Tags: , , , |

The secret of getting stars in DSE paper 2 is a rich variety of vocabulary, which means you cannot use the same words or expressions again and again. If you want to write about your disagreement or objection towards an issue, what would you use to replace ‘do not agree with something’ ? You can read on to figure out the answer!