
23 3, 2020

‘Out of the woods’ means walking out of the forest!? MUST-KNOW Idioms relating to nature!

2023-03-11T22:51:59+08:0023/3/2020|Categories: Daily|Tags: |

Nature not only provides us with the magnificent scenery, but many intriguing idioms also lie along the side of it. Does ‘holding out an olive branch’ mean to take out the olive branch according to the literal interpretation? Does ‘Out of the woods’ simply mean to walk out of the forest? How to say deceiving someone in an idiom? Let's find it out below!

24 12, 2019

Can we start it all over again? How to say new beginning in idioms?

2023-03-11T22:52:00+08:0024/12/2019|Categories: Idioms, Proverbs|Tags: |

Many Chinese old sayings say the beginning of a year is springtime and the start of a day is the morning. Do you know how to express it in English? If we have to restart a job due to the failed attempt, what idiom can we use? What means ‘turning over a new leaf’? Let’s learn the related idioms in the following article!

18 10, 2019

What does ‘forty winks’ refer to ?10 Idioms about sleeping that you must learn!(2)

2021-05-05T10:35:49+08:0018/10/2019|Categories: Idioms|Tags: |

There are so many idioms about sleeping, and here are the 10 idioms that you must learn! How to wake someone up without saying ‘get up’? Is there idiom that can describe someone wake up and sleep early? What does it mean by getting up on the wrong side of the bed? If you have no clue about the answer to the above question, you can find them below!