
10 12, 2018


2023-11-05T16:36:51+08:0010/12/2018|Categories: Idioms, Daily|Tags: , , |

夏天不時打風,如果秋風起了,就可以去賞楓,生活同風適適相關,不妨學下有關wind嘅idiom!挫人銳氣英文點講?whistle in the wind喺微風中吹口哨?逆流而上英文喺咩?put the wind up someone 又喺點解?一齊嚟睇睇啦!

20 8, 2018

4個有關人生境況嘅idioms/ proverbs

2023-05-13T17:08:08+08:0020/8/2018|Categories: Idioms, Proverbs|Tags: , , |

【4個有關人生境況嘅idioms/ proverbs】 當朋友為將來沮喪時,應該如何安慰?有人「得個講字」,有人總是放馬後炮,有人就當局者迷;又點巧妙回應? 以下英文句子,勸人勸己都適用!   1.Cross that bridge when (one) comes to it 船到橋頭自然直 同中文嘅「船到橋頭自然直」有異曲同工之妙,意思都係有難關時不必過慮,到時候再想解決辦法。 e.g. Mary: John, shall we come up with a contingency plan? John: Don't worry, let's cross that bridge when we come to it. Mary: John,我們是否應想個應變計劃? John: 別擔心,船到橋頭自然直。 2.Actions speak louder than words 行動勝於空談/ 事實勝於雄辯 意即「起行」比「坐言」好;又可指事實勝於雄辯。 e.g. We know your ideas, [...]