12 11, 2019

IELTS Speaking Part 3 : Common topics and frequently asked questions you have to know (1)

2020-06-24T12:23:42+08:0012/11/2019|Categories: IELTS|Tags: , , |

Most of the candidates feel nervous about IELTS speaking part 3. The major reason is that the direction of part 3 will continue with the flow of part 2, yet the aspect will be boarder than that of part 2. This part is approximately 5 minutes and candidates need to respond to examiner immediately. So, let’s get yourself prepared by looking at the below, helping you to familiarize yourself with the types of questions!

29 10, 2019

IELTS Speaking Part 2 : Common topics and frequently asked questions for candidates! (2)

2023-05-13T17:18:30+08:0029/10/2019|Categories: Exam, IELTS|Tags: , , |

The biggest difference between part 2 and other part is the length of answer. Part 1 requires short and clear response, while part 2 needs candidates to show their coherence and ability in organizing ideas. The questions are usually about the candidates themselves. Just look at the question types below to prepare ahead!

28 10, 2019

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Common topics and frequently asked questions for candidates! (1)

2020-06-25T18:26:52+08:0028/10/2019|Categories: IELTS|Tags: , , , |

In IELTS speaking part 2, you will have 1 minute to prepare your speech. Then, you will give your speech for about 2 minutes. The speed of constructing ideas and linking of words are very important in this part. The way to ease your nervousness is by practicing, so that you can get used to this kind of questions! Let’s do some exercises by looking at the topics and common questions below!

13 6, 2019

【老師教路:IELTS Speaking高分秘技!(下)】

2023-08-29T10:00:33+08:0013/6/2019|Categories: IELTS, Exam|Tags: , , , |

IELTS Speaking 考試最常見嘅問題就係考生對「高分」嘅想法同考官對「高分」嘅要求與期望並不相同。舉例來講,大部分考IELTS嘅同學都覺得只要用好長好難嘅字詞 (Big words) 就能夠得到高分,雖然唔能夠否定用Big words的確對用詞有幫助,但Speaking 考試高分嘅重點係「聽上嚟夠地道」,長而難嘅生字唔常見,亦唔多人明白呢啲字嘅意思,所以對獲得高分係無太大幫助。