
31 1, 2020

Stop using ‘how are you’ and ‘I’m fine’ ! Useful ways for greeting !

2020-06-22T11:25:51+08:0031/1/2020|Categories: Conversation, Daily|Tags: |

When you have the chance to work, travel or live in foreign countries, it’s necessary for you to greet others politely and casually. Other than saying ‘ how are you’, do you know any other ways to say hello ? Let’s forget about ‘ how are you’  and ‘I’m fine, thank you’ and learn the following ways for greeting !

27 1, 2020

No more ‘I am regret’! Useful phrases in expressing regret!

2023-03-11T22:52:00+08:0027/1/2020|Categories: Daily|Tags: |

We all had times when we made the wrong choice or judgment, leading to endless self-loathing. It can be grief in breaking up with your beloved one, sorrow in ignoring others’ advice or self-disappointment in laziness in studying. Do you know how can we express our regrets in English other than using the word regret? Let’s check it out below!

25 1, 2020

Formal and informal ways to express disappointment!

2020-06-22T11:30:15+08:0025/1/2020|Categories: Daily|Tags: |

In life, we may face a lot of disappointments, and you do need to express this kind of feeling before it overwhelmed you. Do you know how to review your emotions in both formal and informal ways? Let's check it out below and learn the expressions other than ‘what a shame’!

10 1, 2020

DSE Paper 4 : Best For Candidates! The most useful sentences in asking others’ opinions!

2020-06-22T17:56:25+08:0010/1/2020|Categories: DSE, Exam|Tags: , |

Do you know how to pass DSE Paper 4 with flying colors? You should focus on interacting with other candidates, rather than giving your own speech during the speaking exam. Other than asking ‘Do you agree with me?’, there are tons of sentence structures that can help you with asking for others’ views. You can be more precise by using the below sentences when you want to understand others’ opinions.

28 10, 2019

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Common topics and frequently asked questions for candidates! (1)

2020-06-25T18:26:52+08:0028/10/2019|Categories: IELTS|Tags: , , , |

In IELTS speaking part 2, you will have 1 minute to prepare your speech. Then, you will give your speech for about 2 minutes. The speed of constructing ideas and linking of words are very important in this part. The way to ease your nervousness is by practicing, so that you can get used to this kind of questions! Let’s do some exercises by looking at the topics and common questions below!

9 10, 2019

Travel English: Essential English sentences for travelers! (Dining)

2023-03-11T22:52:02+08:009/10/2019|Categories: Conversation, Travel|Tags: , , , |

If you are visiting a restaurant during your trip, you may need to make a reservation in advance. And in the restaurant, you need to order the food in English as well. Are you familiar with doing the above things in English? You don’t have to panic! This passage can help you with the lines that you need so that you can enjoy your food at that perfect moment!