【老師教路:IELTS Speaking高分秘技!(下)】
IELTS Speaking 考試最常見嘅問題就係考生對「高分」嘅想法同考官對「高分」嘅要求與期望並不相同。舉例來講,大部分考IELTS嘅同學都覺得只要用好長好難嘅字詞 (Big words) 就能夠得到高分,雖然唔能夠否定用Big words的確對用詞有幫助,但Speaking 考試高分嘅重點係「聽上嚟夠地道」,長而難嘅生字唔常見,亦唔多人明白呢啲字嘅意思,所以對獲得高分係無太大幫助。
2023-08-29T10:00:33+08:0013/6/2019|Categories: IELTS, Exam|Tags: IELTS, Speaking, 應試技巧, 雅思|
IELTS Speaking 考試最常見嘅問題就係考生對「高分」嘅想法同考官對「高分」嘅要求與期望並不相同。舉例來講,大部分考IELTS嘅同學都覺得只要用好長好難嘅字詞 (Big words) 就能夠得到高分,雖然唔能夠否定用Big words的確對用詞有幫助,但Speaking 考試高分嘅重點係「聽上嚟夠地道」,長而難嘅生字唔常見,亦唔多人明白呢啲字嘅意思,所以對獲得高分係無太大幫助。
2023-08-29T10:16:14+08:0028/3/2019|Categories: DSE, Exam|Tags: Speaking|
2024-01-05T17:43:38+08:0013/4/2018|Categories: Two-minute English|Tags: Business, dse應試技巧, listening, Speaking, 商業英語, 會話, 聆聽, 職場用語|
Hesitating when you cannot make your own decision? Learn how to ask for others’ picks.
2024-01-05T17:42:50+08:0030/3/2018|Categories: Two-minute English|Tags: Business, DSE, dse應試技巧, listening, Speaking, 商業英語, 日常英語, 會話, 聆聽, 職場用語|
There are so many times people (or things in life) let us down for some reasons. Tell them these to show your disappointment.
2024-01-05T17:42:11+08:0023/3/2018|Categories: Two-minute English|Tags: Business, dse應試技巧, listening, Speaking, 日常英語, 會話, 聆聽, 職場用語|
Give a word of encouragement to show your care and support to someone in hard times.
2024-01-05T17:41:46+08:0016/3/2018|Categories: Two-minute English|Tags: dse應試技巧, listening, Speaking, 日常英語, 會話, 聆聽, 職場用語|
When you arrive earlier than the others for the date, show your manner by telling them not to get anxious about being late.
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