想比人感覺你嘅英文好,其實一個重點就喺用字要夠「準」!所以唔好再用咁「虛」嘅Very,先喺上上策!今次帶嚟下篇嘅6個Very 代替字,帶大家嘅英文更上一層樓啊!
2023-08-28T11:00:30+08:0026/7/2019|Categories: 日常生活, 英文詞彙, 英語文法|Tags: Tips, very|
你有冇發現自己寫文會成日用Very?又有冇覺得,用Very 時會令意思好唔準確,總喺同你想表達嘅意思差少少咁?其實,答案就喺呢度!因為Very比人嘅感覺好籠統,唔夠Specific(明確),所以今日開始,一齊嚟戒咗呢個習慣,學返有咩字可以代替Very ______啦! 快啲Click入嚟抄低佢哋啦! Very angry 非常生氣> furious 怒不可遏的 The parents are very angry about the new policy of the school about banning students from having physical lessons. The parents are furious about the new policy of the school about banning students from having physical lessons. 家長們都對學校廢除體育科的政策感到非常生氣(怒不可遏)。 Very clever 非常聰明> intelligent [...]