2023-03-11T22:51:53+08:0022/1/2021|Categories: Daily|Tags: 日常英語, 英文詞彙, 食物|
Everyone loves yummy food. Sometimes, having a satisfying meal is our motivation to work! In English, we hear ‘yummy’, ‘delicious’ and ‘tasty’ the most because they are the most basic words. However, there are many words to describe yummy. Sometimes, it can even mean different extend! Let’s learn the following 8 words about yummy!
2020-11-23T16:32:37+08:0023/11/2020|Categories: Daily|Tags: 日常英語, 英文詞彙|
When it comes to hair, we usually only describe it as long or short. However, there are many more adjectives to talk about hair, its shape and quality. Let’s learn the following hair-related adjectives!
2023-03-11T22:51:55+08:0021/9/2020|Categories: Daily, Idioms, Phrasal-Verbs|Tags: 日常英語, 英文詞彙|
There are many idioms about food, for example the one we always hear is ‘the apple of my eye’. This means the person is adored by someone. Isn’t that fascinating? Let’s learn 8 food idioms today!
2023-08-29T09:58:51+08:0024/6/2019|Categories: Business, Conversation, Travel, Daily|Tags: 情景對話, 日常英語|
等等等,唔駛寂寞到夜深嘅!學識點催促人,自然事半功倍。唔知點叫人快少少?想催促朋友、同事定其他公司嘅人?一篇文為你一網打盡,唔駛再諗前諗後,都未開到聲啦!一齊睇下除咗「HURRY UP」以外嘅英文用語啦! 對朋友可以用比較口語嘅方式,例如︰ The bus is arriving. We need to get a move on. 巴士快到了,我哋要快少少喇! We’d better get cracking on the preparation of party. 我哋最好就快少少準備派對。 Sam, shake a leg or we’ll miss the flight. Sam,你要快啲啦,唔喺我哋就會錯過航班。 以上三個都喺催促朋友可以用嘅,因為太口語,類近「快啲啦」嘅意思,所以唔喺好適合同同事或職場人士講。 有時急起上嚟,可能會用到以下講法︰ Please get the work done before today! 請喺今日前完成這份工作! You are reminded that [...]
2024-01-05T17:42:50+08:0030/3/2018|Categories: Two-minute English|Tags: Business, DSE, dse應試技巧, listening, Speaking, 商業英語, 日常英語, 會話, 聆聽, 職場用語|
There are so many times people (or things in life) let us down for some reasons. Tell them these to show your disappointment.
2024-01-05T17:42:11+08:0023/3/2018|Categories: Two-minute English|Tags: Business, dse應試技巧, listening, Speaking, 日常英語, 會話, 聆聽, 職場用語|
Give a word of encouragement to show your care and support to someone in hard times.
2024-01-05T17:41:46+08:0016/3/2018|Categories: Two-minute English|Tags: dse應試技巧, listening, Speaking, 日常英語, 會話, 聆聽, 職場用語|
When you arrive earlier than the others for the date, show your manner by telling them not to get anxious about being late.
2024-01-05T17:39:19+08:0016/2/2018|Categories: Two-minute English|Tags: Business, dse應試技巧, listening, Speaking, 日常英語, 會話, 聆聽, 職場用語|
Saying “sorry” may not be enough in some cases which you get someone really angry or upset. You had better say these instead.
2024-01-05T17:38:17+08:009/2/2018|Categories: Two-minute English|Tags: IELTS, listening, Speaking, 日常英語, 會話, 聆聽|
Check on things you can do to reduce waste production and disposal, and try to be more responsible for this beautiful living planet.
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