Two-minute English: Introducing Yourself
This week, I am going to talk about the importance of introducing yourself, give you some idea of what you can talk about, and point out some important things to remember when doing so.
2024-01-04T11:12:44+08:0024/9/2016|Categories: 兩分鐘英語|Tags: 會話, 求職, 聆聽, 職場用語, 面試|
This week, I am going to talk about the importance of introducing yourself, give you some idea of what you can talk about, and point out some important things to remember when doing so.
2017-01-06T12:06:40+08:0022/9/2016|Categories: 慣用語 Idioms|Tags: 動物, 寫作, 會話|
有好多 idioms 都有動物名子喺入面,但未必真係關隻動物事!
2023-05-12T10:52:57+08:0019/9/2016|Categories: 俚語 Slang|Tags: 寫作, 會話, 潮語|
LOL this is unreal…ROFL, I give you props. TTUL! 同朋友whatsapp傾計,成日見但你又知唔真正意思係咩?網絡潮語層出不窮,你又識幾多個網絡潮語?10個你要識嘅實用口語縮寫,立即入來挑戰自己識幾多!
2023-05-12T10:37:56+08:0015/9/2016|Categories: 慣用語 Idioms|Tags: Emoji, 動物, 會話|
我哋平時 Whatsapp 成日用三隻分別掩眼、掩耳同掩口呢三隻馬騮 emoji,原來係源於日本嘅三猿猴子雕像!但你又知唔知佢哋嘅真正意思係咩?用英文又應該點樣講呢?
2024-05-13T15:57:16+08:001/9/2016|Categories: 商業英語|Tags: 會話, 職場用語|
返工同同事傾計,建立良好的關係,都係職場必備技巧! 見到外國同事就好易口啞啞?想避免尷尬場面,穩袋呢D熱門話題啦!
2023-06-13T10:31:16+08:001/5/2016|Categories: 日常生活|Tags: 會話, 餐廳|